WhyTale is a Continuity Change AU set in HELP_tale. It is Pearlplayz's take on the undefined part of HELP_tale, with a pinch of her own style.
Phobic (Error Sans), after being separated from the Sanstrosity, is overcome with the temptation of being able to destroy the entire multiverse without using portals.
He captures Ink Sans's soul (Ink Sans dying of embarrassment from the pressure wrapping around his soul) and turns it into a locket.
He was going to throw it out of the game but drops it by Thank the flower, who combined the Determination locket (original help_tale locket) and the Ink locket (Ink sans), to create the Rainbow Determination locket. The locket starts fusing with Frisk when Flowey ceases existing in his original spot of liveness.
Frisk slowly turns into an ultra-goddess, fusing with the six soul traits infinite times over, and Ink Sans, who is already goddess-like.
Phobic was sobbing in the buttercups because he dropped the locket. He decides to backtrack, after an hour, and found Inki. Inki leaves for the ruins, and Error follows close behind.
They get into petty fights the whole entire way. Sindilen joins them when they come to FRIEND village and helps out with fighting bosses.
(please note this AU is not finished, and none of this is canon.)
HELP_tale Characters[]
Frisk (pre-fusion)[]
Frisk is slightly older in WhyTale, about 15 years old. She is slightly more chatty but still is observant.
thank (Flowey)[]
thank acts like help_tale thank to Frisk, but thank gives Frisk the Rainbow Determination locket, instead of the Determination locket. Flowey then disappears. The locket embeds itself in Frisk, and Frisk turns into Inki.
Puddle (Napstablook)[]
Puddle is still a puddle. Phobic steps in Puddle and Inki reprimands him.
Puddle becomes aggravated and rises into his true form. Inki leaves.
Papalgamate (Papyrus)[]
While Inki is bathing Papalgamate, Phobic tells her she's washing out his brains.
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you are!"
"He doesn't even have brains!"
"Yes, he does!"
"Shut up!"
Xx_FRESHSANS_xX (Corrupted Fresh Sans)[]
"Nice skateboarding skills."
"Shut up I haven't done it before."
"What the..."
And that's how your mother set a virus on fire, PJ.
Limb (Undyne)[]
Limb chases Inki, Error Phobicscreams like a little girl, and then Limb falls into the lava.
FRIEND (Temmie)[]
Inki and Error arrive at Temmie village to see the three eyed FRIENDs. There is not much to be said about the FRIENDs, except they inherit the traits of their food.
Sindilen (Bob)[]
Bob has become very self-aware. He is now like a furry named Sindilen. He wears a large black cloak and tells prophecies. He became very excited when he saw Inki, and started repeating over and over:
"non est hic, ipsa suus tandem hic potest non accipere animam suam"
(she's here, she's finally here, she can take his soul)
He comes with Inki and Error and leads them to the eldest virus, #!@%. It is then that he reveals that Sindilen had been trying to kill the virus, but never could. He knew that there would one day be a savior, but he started to give up hope.
Inki and Error fight #!@%.
(concept taken from Youtube and built on)
Clawed (Annoying Dog)[]
The annoying dog fused with all those creators that inserted themselves in his place in their AU's.
"That's your fault, isn't it?"
Inki manages to separated it, down to just having a dog and shark fused(Get the reference to Freaktale? I thought, with all the similarities of HELP_tale and FreakTale, I might as well do that). Inki and Error keep the Annoying Dog-Shark as a pet.
Phobic (Error Sans)[]
Phobic is an anti-hero. He started out as the apparent antagonist, but then he starts to become someone who defeats evil, then is changed into a secondary protagonist. Inki is not an anti-hero; she is just inherently blunt, not selfish in desire.
Ome (Omega Flowey)[]
Ome is unable to hit Inki, and Inki is the one that deals the most damage, her being almost the same size as Ome. Inki and Ome get into a struggle while Sindilen and Phobic watch. Ome is always hesitant to hurt them, but is angry that Inki didn't help him(hehe you'll get your reward with you get to smooch Frisk the flower).
Added Characters[]
Inki is an Ink Sans, infinite six soul traits, and Frisk fusion. The locket is embedded in her chest, and she is LV 50 from all the violence of the six souls. She has a sword instead of the "real knife." However, she is a pacifist.
Inki has two forms: Passive and Active. In her passive form, she looks like Frisk with one Ink Sans eye(rainbow iris, black sclera), multi-colored wings and hair, and the locket in her chest.
When she is active, both of her eyes are Ink Sans eyes, her wings and hair turn an iridescent white, and she has a white silk dress. She usually raises her Gaster Blasters, and wields a sword, sceptre, or both, but she can be active without weapons.
This isn't my concept, I just saw it on Youtube and decided to build on it.
The virus family destroyed the multiverse. Killer Virus was here to check on his brother, saw him as a pile of burnt dust, and was aggravated. He tries to destroy Inki and Error.
"You set my brother on fire."
"Sorry about that."
*intense one-sided battle noises*
This virus is the eldest brother of the virus family. He has prophetic powers, and fought with Sindilen for a long time. He is eventually defeated, but not before terrifying Inki with prophecy.
"You will marry Phobic."
*sad Phobic noises*
Rai does not reside in the universe (She lives in AHCH [playzpearl's CH version]), but visits time to time, mostly to harass Error Sans over his crush on Inki. Rai is the name of the creator's persona, and therefore is a representation of the creator. Pearlplayz did not use the annoying dog spot for her persona because of how overused it is(look at the "Clawed" entry on this page)
HELP_tale Locations[]
This AU takes place in the entire Underground, save for a few places that are skipped to make way for different battles.
Added Locations[]
The anti-void (from Errortale) is Phobic's time-out spot. He dislikes it for many reasons. The Omega Timeline (COREtale) is also seen, as well as the Doodle Sphere (Inktale).
- Phobic has a secret crush on Inki
- Inki loves Chisps
- Inki's wingspan is 7 feet(2.1336 meters)
- Inki does not need the tubes of colors on her sash but uses them to punish Phobic.
- Littletale is Inki's favorite AU. She visits it with Phobic.
- Before Inki separated the multiverse, everyone's head(save for hers and Phobic's) was exploding.
- Phobic believes Inki is insane because Frisk has conversations with Ink Sans, and forgets that only her voice can be heard.
- Inki is immune to being captured by Phobic's strings. When he tries to capture her, she breaks the string and tries to rip Phobic's fingers off.
- Creator Sans and CORE Frisk can and do talk trash about Inki, but she has already let them know that she won't even try to compete with them, she knows her place, and they should know theirs.
- The Annoying Dog-Shark is a nod off to FreakTale, just to more efficiently incorporate Whytale with HELP_tale.
- FRIENDs are kittydogs, just like Temmies are(not my concept, saw it on the KD deviantart)
- The Annoying Dog-Shark is best friends with Kittydog Rai.
- Phobic goes crazy everytimesRai transforms into a human. He just cannot understand that Rai has a human form.
- Rai can be sadistic at time, but she truly loves her creations.
- Phobic his feelings for Inki, and acts cold to her, but inside he is infatuated with her and will try to kill anyone who "tries to steal his Inki".
- YandereChara is thought to be a sequel to WhyTale, where there are slight differences across the multiverse from Inki not separating the multiverse strands perfectly, and one of them made Chara lovesick, but this has not been confirmed.
- Pearlplayz is not a fangirl. Rai, her representation, harasses Phobic, when she is not at her mother's home.
- Inki is going to be redesigned after the YandereChara page is built to standards(it currently doesn't exist).
- This AU can be borderline NSFW, but thankfully, Pearl has some dignity and will not add images or information that is not suitable for work.
- Phobic got his name from his haphephobia.
- Inki and Phobic's daughter, Philomena, appears in YandereChara.
- Inki banned Phobic from playing with puppets; he quickly got over the need, however. Phobic only used puppets because of mind-numbing isolation in the anti-void.
- Rai always sniffs Error's pants because he constantly spills food on them.
- This AU started as a combination of HELP_tale and Freaktale, but now includes concepts from Errortale. Freaktale has been removed, and this AU has become much more comedic. It's basically a goddess and a godlet having petty fights while sorta doing something about the amalgamates.
- Whenever Inki stretches, the sound of her joints just being entropic(popping and snapping noises from synopial fluid gas and tendoms moving back into position) drives Phobic crazy because it sounds like bones breaking.
- Inki is not afraid of any of the Sanses that used to work for Error Sans. Nightmare Sans? Those tentacles make it real easy to kill him. Just a quick rip and tear like Flowey's petals and he's dust.
- WhyTale does not have a main antagonist.
- The name Phobic is meant to distinguish between ErrorTale!Error Sans and WhyTale!Error Sans. ErT Error Sans is a balls-less antagonist, while WTError Sans(Phobic) is a genitaled secondary protagonist.
- Inki is a fusionem goddess, while Phobic is a periculum god.
- Pearlplayz is planning to do comics.
- There's a curtain in the anti-void that seperates Ink Sans and Error Sans's area of the anti-void from Inki and Phobic's area. There is a history of turning the curtain clear when they're pissed at one another. Also, when Error captured UL!Sans, they let him peek past the curtain.
- Phobic actually brushes his teeth.
- Inki takes the role of the Judge.
- AU of an AU
The written story is in google docs.
Playzpearlz also posts about this AU on IG. This includes the occasional animation, but I'm not going to name that as medium right now.
Cover Page Post
Inki's Backstory
The link to the story on Google Docs here
Alternatively you can find the story on Wattpad here