A list of characters that have the role of the fallen.
This is Chara's role in Undertale.
Switch Up AUs
- Frisk in Underswap, Underswap MH, Switchtale: Flower Masquerade, and TS!Underswap
- Mettaton in Storyshift and Underwhirl
- Napstablook in History Recast
- Sans in Storyspin and Undertale: Twisted Fantasy
- Vulkin in Differtale
- Asgore and the Justice Soul in Undertale Corrupted Justice
- Papyrus in Nologictale, Taletwist and Sensetale
- Asgore in Changing the Story
- Alphys in Undertale: Reshuffled
- Toriel in JumbledTale and Brotherhood
- Undyne in TerraFormed and Versotale
Crossover AUs
- Ms Pauling in Overtime
- Connie Maheswaran in The Crystal Caverns
- Spear in LuxrayTale
Self-Insert AUs
- Cinder in UTAUWikiTale
- WikiP in Plannedtale
- Pino in Pinotale