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Undertale AU Wiki
Undertale AU Wiki
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Undertale - Alphys
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Mainverse Taken!Altertale is an AU of the reboot of Taken!Altertale. The events are mostly the same as in the base-AU, but there is a big change in its cast. Since it happens in a different Multiverse, not only the cast changes, but the way Monster species are called also do. While the story is mostly unchanged from the original in the invasion, many differences can be seen after the formation of the reclaiming group.


Undertale Characters[]


Sans is the caretaker of the ruins and the brother of Papyrus. He is the deuteragonist of the fifth chapter, during which he is knocked out by Infected, then is manipulated by Purity to kill Asgore without knowing it. He dies as he realizes what he has done.


The protagonist of the AU during the first five chapters. Since she is aware of the RESET power, she gets curious when Frisk loses the ability to use it. Hearing the bells tolling, she understands that a threat is incoming and decides to stop it by herself. She gets Undyne's company for a while, but it stops when Undyne dies and she gets chased by Infected. Since she can't escape Infected, she is tortured for two months to the point she is physically and mentally broken. Her new name, Broken!Toriel, is given to her by Purity.


Asgore is an inhabitant of Snowdin, that stays there for most of the story, though is on the Surface at the beginning. Though locking himself in a house in Snowdin was intended to protect himself and Frisk, he gets abducted by Purity there. He then becomes one of its puppets and is killed by Sans before Toriel's eyes.


The former captain of the royal guard. She accompanies Toriel during the third and fourth chapters of the story after she gets to convince her, but ends up dying before she can even fight Infected.


Alphys used to be the royal scientist of the Monsters, and is one of the Monsters on the Surface at the beginning of the story. She ends up jumping into the magma of Hotland after seeing the massacre, trying to warn Undyne and Toriel about the events.


The king of the Monsters. He appears at the beginning of the story, but gets decapitated by Infected and is only seen by Toriel in shock.

Altertale Frisk[]

The ambassador of the Humans that stays in the Underground during the story. She is the host of the RESET power, and is stated to have killed everyone hundreds of times. As soon as she tries to use it, she finds herself incapable of doing so, and locks herself in a house with Asgore. However, the protection doesn't last long and she gets eaten alive by Infected.

Added Characters[]


The main antagonist of the AU. He is an old Sans that invades Altertale with his ally. He kills every inhabitant of the AU with ease, and stays in the AU, making it his new base.


The secondary antagonist of the AU. It is a light elemental that helps Infected to get a new laboratory. While it is not strong, it shines with its intelligence. It turns the universe into a codeless universe during the invasion. It stays back when the recaiming group arrives, instead taking care of Broken!Toriel.

Eight Supra[]

The Guardian of secrets and a member of the reclaiming group. He is seen as one of the most important Guardians, even by Ink!Sans, even though Ink!Sans despises him. He is a hemomancer that is often seen with a blindfold and a sapphire with him. While he originally doesn't want to partake in the meeting, CORE!Frisk convinces him to go there. He also serves Error!404.


CORE!Frisk, also known as Frisk Marusina, is the Guardian of Knowledge. While they rarely appear, due to their omnipresence, they are the most knowledgeable person about the Taken!Altertale events, and helps with their knowledge during the reunion.


Ink!Sans is the Guardian of Creativity, and is stated as one of the most important Guardians. Member of the recaiming group, he often is disrespectful towards others, especially Eight. When Error!404 reveals his secret identity, Ink!Sans almost fights him, even though he's already fighting Infected.


Dream!Sans is the Guardians of Feelings and a member of the reclaiming group. While he doesn't help much during the fight, he often checks Error!404's feelings, as he only sees negativity in him.


Ink!Sans's apprentice, that participates to the recaiming of Altertale. While she is Ink's apprentice, she is polite and often calm unlike her mentor. King Multiverse wants her to replace Ink!Sans as the Guardian of Creativity, since she is known to be trustworthy. However, she can sometimes say words that people can find insulting, even though it is not intentional.


The Sans of the Bad Time Trio. He is a mercenary recruited to help to reclaim Altertale. He tells Error!404 that he used to be in gret fear of RESETs back in his universe, and that he finds a purpose in the Multiverse, hence why he is in the Bad time Trio. He is the smartest of the trio and often observes details the others do not notice.


The Papyrus of the Bad Time Trio. He is a mercenary recruited to help to reclaim Altertale.


The Chara of the Bad Time Trio. She is a mercenary recruited to help to reclaim Altertale. Unlike the other members of the Bad Time Trio, she is codeless. She greatly helps during the fight, since she traps Infected with vines.


Error!404, called 4 during some parts of the story, and also known as the White Demon, is a Sans that hates Infected, and participates in the reclaiming of Altertale for the pure sake of vengeance. He states that he came to King Multiverse just to attain this goal. He is the one to deal the finishing blow to Infected. He only has negative feelings and often is antipathetic towards others, though decides to not kill anyone unless it is necessary. He also decides to lead the reclaiming group.


The final antagonist of the AU. Also called Astral by Error!404, Wendy is a pink woman that asked King Multiverse to be included in the reclaiming group. As a result, she almost doesn't help to fight Infected. Instead, her goals are to retrieve her blueprints, stolen by Purity, and to get Infected's stone statue, for which she fights Error!404 during the eleventh chapter. She is a scientist, and the one that conceptualized of anti-host device, that Purity used to turn the universe codeless.

King Multiverse[]

The king of the Multiverse and leader of the Guardains, he is the one to gather up the reclaiming group to reclaim Altertale. When it ends up in a failure, he doesn't hesitate to declare it as so. He is the one to tell the information to the reclaiming group, and has better ways to get it than all of the Guardians, excluding CORE!Frisk.


A flying ghost of a skeleton that helps King Multiverse with getting information from time to time. Though he often is calm, he has difficulty to share his knowledge about Wendy.


Incoercible in insanity itself that takes the form of a skeleton. It appears in the epilogue to recruit Purity inside its group, the Chaos Crew, in exchange of getting back Infected's stone statue. Before it leaves, it also changes Broken!Toriel's personality.


Undertale Locations[]


It is where the story begins, since the Monsters have been freed from the Underground.


Snowdin is covered in snow and inside the Underground. Asgore and Toriel live there. When the invasion is going on, Frisk realizes she lost her RESET power there, and stays there with Asgore for protection.


A dark maze in the Underground that serves as Undyne's home. Toriel travels it with Undyne to understand why the bells are tolling, though nothing happens there.


The part of the Underground Toriel and Undyne arrive in after traversing Waterfall. The climb is more complicated than traversing Waterfall and ends before they go the MTT Resort. Alphys's laboratory is there.

This also is where the reclaiming group fights Infected.

MTT Resort[]

The last place Undyne and Toriel go in together. It is full of corpses, with Undyne's added almost as soon as she enters in it. Toriel gets chased inside it.


The main source of power of the Underground. Toriel gets chased into there and traverses it.

New Home[]

The final destination in Toriel's journey through the Underground, where she finds Papyrus's dead body and gets knocked out. Sans finds Toriel in there and nearly dies there as well.

Purity Laboratory[]

The True Laboratory is taken over by Purity, and serves at the same time as a torture chamber, as the place to look over the Underground when the recaiming group arrives, as the place Purity does her research in, and as Infected and Purity's home. Purity also makes its puppets there.

Added Locations[]

Guardians Castle[]

The headquarters of the Guardians of the Multiverse, where most of them inhabit. They meet in there to discuss of the reclaiming of Altertale, both before and after the group goes in Altertale.



  • The timeline that Infected has invaded is specified as the pacifist timeline number 113, which is a reference to the way the Altertale universe is called in the original Taken!Altertale; AlT-113.
  • The story has intentionally been released exactly two years after the release of the first five chapters of the reboot of the original Taken!Altertale.