* To know more, see:
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*kid, listen. there are spoilers on this page; be careful when you're reading.
*you don't want a bad time, do ya? |
Note from the author DespairBreaker:
Warning, this AU will include mention of death, suicide, and gender dysphoria (suicide will NOT be explicitly drawn). |
"Remember, No Matter What You Do, No Matter If You Think We Are Immortal From That Star, We Will Eventually Have To Die Someday. That’s Why I Want You To Be Happy, Because Our Time Is Limited. Whether That Be One Day Or A Thousand Years"
– Chara Dreamirr
Haunted Hearts is a Deltarune/Undertale AU ask comic about Frisk and Chara erasing their world after many years of saving and resetting. Their last run was a genocide. They both then leave the erased world to go and haunt Kris, wanting to save them.
The AU is created by DespairBreaker and was first released on March 24, 2019 on Tumblr. The Deviantart adaptation started on January 11, 2020 and the Webtoons version started on April 21, 2020.
The worlds are not the same as those of Undertale or Deltarune, and are not meant to link the canon games, thus rules and logic are slightly different. Anything that happens past chapter 1 of Deltarune will not directly impact Haunted Hearts.
Undertale Characters[]

Frisk Portrait - Created by DespairBreaker
Main article: Frisk
Frisk's character reference sheet
Other names: Sticks, Haunted!Frisk
Frisk is a 15-year-old non-binary buttercup ghost that can only be seen by Kris and other ghosts. They're one month younger than Chara and their true age from the times resetting is unknown. They don't express much and seem to be apathetic, but they can still feel emotions and are trying their best to help Chara and Kris. They're trying to get over the fear of risk since they no longer have their star power.
Since they only recently became a buttercup ghost, they do not have strong control over their flowers compared to Chara. They can only touch and interact with physical objects with flowers.
- They are left-handed.
- Frisk speaks in all lowercase, unless if the word is important/stressed then it will start with a capital letter or be all capitalized. They use the font NSimSun.
- Their soul is red and its trait is unknown.
- Their star power is yellow and grants the power to save and reset. Its commonly shown to be like a clock that turns back time[1]. Its formal name is Star of Determination but is most commonly referred to as "Star". Frisk can no longer use it due to being a ghost.
- Is from the Fallen World, now resides in the Stargazers World.
- First appearance: Prologue: Cry for Help Page 1
Chara Dreamirr[]

Chara Dreamirr Portrait - Created by DespairBreaker
Main article: Chara Dreamirr
Is pronounced Care-ah Dreamer
Note: Dreamirr is a purposeful misspelling of Dreemurr and should not be corrected
Other names: Buttercups, Haunted!Chara
Chara Dreamirr is a 15-year-old non-binary buttercup ghost that can only be seen by Kris and other ghosts. They're one month older than Frisk and their true age from being a ghost and the resetting is unknown. They are very emotional, expressive, and cares deeply about others to the point that they would risk their lives to save others.
Being a buttercup ghost, they can shoot flowers as projectiles and can grow flowers in soil. They can only touch and move physical objects with flowers. Compared to Frisk, Chara's control over the flowers are stronger due to them being a ghost for much longer.
- They are right-handed.
- Chara speaks with all words starting with a capital letter, unless if the word is important/stressed then the word will be all capitalized. When whispering they will speak in lower-cased words. They use the font MingLi-Ext B.
- Their soul is red and its trait is unknown.
- Their star power is purple Its formal name is Star of Generosity. Chara can no longer use it due to being a ghost.
- Is from the Fallen World, now resides in the Stargazers World.
- First appearance: Prologue: Cry for Help Page 1
Toriel Dreamirr[]
Dreamirr is pronounced like Dreamer
Note: Dreamirr is a purposeful misspelling of Dreemurr and should not be corrected
Other names: Haunted!Toriel, HauntedFallen!Toriel
Toriel Dreamirr is an old female cow-fish monster who lives in the Red Ruins of the Fallen World's underground. She is the adoptive mother of Frisk and Chara Dreamirr. After being locked away in Mt. Ebott along with the rest of the monsters, she decided to dedicate her life to taking care of the Red Ruins and the Sky Garden.
She is a kind and motherly monster who admires those who can dream big and feel unrestrained from reality, expressing that most monsters she'd met don't do as such.
To pass the time, she enjoys baking pastries like cakes and pies as well as the company of insects due to the lack of other monsters in the Red Ruins
Her goal in life is to give those who fallen a happy and comfortable life, but her dream is to one day be like the scientist who stargazes.
- She is left-handed.
- Resides in the Fallen World.
- First appearance: Chapter 1: Lucid Dreams Page 56
Deltarune Characters[]
Kris Drimar[]

Kris Drimar Portrait - Created by DespairBreaker
Kris's character reference sheet
Drimar is pronounced like Dreamer
Note: Drimar is a purposeful misspelling of Dreemurr and should not be corrected
Other names: Haunted!Kris
Kris Drimar is a 17-year-old non-binary human who deals with many issues. They are quiet and would rather avoid most situations rather than confronting them. Kris used to be quite a prankster but seems to have lost the drive to do so.
- They are 6'3 ft.
- They are ambidextrous.
- Kris speaks with proper capitalization except for some important/stressed words, which would either start with a capital letter or be all capitalized. They use the font MingLi-Ext B.
- Their soul is red and its trait is unknown.
- They have a white star power that sometimes shines like a rainbow. Its powers are unknown at the moment. It's been dubbed the name the Star's Light of ??? but is most commonly referred to as "Light"
- Resides in the Stargazers World.
- They are a student in Class Blossom in Rosewood Academy.
Toriel Drimar[]

Created by DespairBreaker
Drimar is pronounced like Dreamer
Note: Drimar is a purposeful misspelling of Dreemurr and should not be corrected
Other names: Haunted!Toriel, HauntedStargazers!Toriel, Ms.Drimar
Toriel Drimar a sheep-bird monster with fire magic. She is the adoptive mother of Kris, the biological mother of Asriel Drimar, and the ex-wife of Asgore Drimar. Though she tries to be a good mother to Kris, she is rather distant and doesn't associate too much with Kris.
She works as a primary school teacher at Rosewood Academy. She is rather kind and caring to her students but despises most other students in the school for being too careless or setting a bad example for her students. Because of this, she dislikes Mrs.Al's ways of teaching but doesn't voice her opinions. Outside of the school setting, she is very serious and assertive.
- She is right-handed.
- Resides in the Stargazers World.
- She is the teacher of Class Seedlings in Rosewood Academy.
Al Fishsticks[]

Created by DespairBreaker
Al is pronounced like the beginning of Alphys
Other names: Haunted!Alphys, Mrs.Al
Al is the aunt of Lizz Kid, wife of Die Fishsticks, and works as a secondary school teacher at Rosewood Academy. She is laid back and sees her class as a family. She loves joking and telling stories to the class. The way she teaches is not very "by the book", but more hands-on, focusing more on group projects, going outside, or playing games. Her favorite subject to teach is history.
Outside of school, she mostly spends time at home parenting Lizz Kid or in her room planing lessons and watching anime. She rarely goes outside if it's not necessary. Al would only be willing to leave her house if it's for school, to help someone, or if it's with a date with Die. She, unfortunately, doesn't see Die often due to her working as an officer in Gladio City.
Her goal is to one day land a high paying job so that she can support her family and be more stable.
- She is 5'6 ft.
- She is right-handed and uses blue chalk majority of the time on the chalkboard and uses a blue pen everywhere else. She can also write with her tail if her hands are occupied.
- Resides in the Stargazers World.
- She is the teacher of Class Blossom in Rosewood Academy.
Suzan Pearl[]

Suzan Portrait - Created by DespairBreaker
Other names: Haunted!Susie
Suzan is a male feathered dino monster. He is a silent type, not really wanting to associate with anyone in public, especially at school. His body language is quite threatening with his imposing figure and tall stature, only being slightly smaller than Kris. He has a short fuse as well which doesn't help.
Despite all this, he takes school quite seriously and tries to do his best academically. He enjoys messing with Mrs.Al and going along with her jokes. Suzan also enjoys being with Ruedof out of sight of the public eye, though despises Kris for unknown reasons.
His goal is to eventually leave town, but for now, he is just scraping by.
- He is 6'0 ft.
- He is left-handed and likes to write with a red ink pen.
- Resides in the Stargazers World.
- He is a student in Class Blossom.
Ruedof Santalales[]

Ruedof Portrait - Created by DespairBreaker
Pronounced Rudolph Stant-ah-lahls
Note: Ruedof is a purposeful misspelling of Rudolph and should not be corrected
Other names: Haunted!Noelle
Ruedolf is a male reindeer monster. He is reserved, serious, quite intelligent, as well as a great leader who is known to give out compelling speeches. Due to his smarts and willingness to take action, many of his classmates seek help from him or Quill's when in a pinch. Though due to his nature, he tends to overexert himself too much and has to practically be forced to take breaks by others.
He has a hard time trusting others despite his innate need to help others. He also has a hard time believing things without hard facts.
He doesn't really have any life goals or plans for his future. All he really wants to do is help and inspire others.
- He is 6'8 ft.
- He is right-handed and uses a writers band as well due to his hands being hooves.
- Resides in the Stargazers World.
- He is a student in Class Blossom.
Tiem Pop[]

Created by DespairBreaker
Tiem is pronounced like Team
Other names: Haunted!Temmie
Tiem is a female Tiem monster who, oddly enough, rather go by the name Tiem than Pop which is unusual for the Tiem species. She loves anime, manga, cartoons, and comics. Al tends to give her mangas/comics that interest the teacher outside of school. She, one day, would love to be a detective, always having a magnifying glass and sniffing around. Though her detective skills don't seem to go further than surface level.
She enjoys talking funny and referring to everything with odd nicknames, but she is capable of being serious and speaking normally, she just doesn't prefer it. She just enjoys playing around and having fun.
She cares very deeply about her Egg and takes great care of it. The only other person she trusts with it, although begrudgingly, is Kris since the Egg itself seems to be alright with them.
- She is 3'4 ft.
- She is ambidextrous.
- Resides in the Stargazers World.
- She is a student in Class Blossom.

Egg portrait - Created by DespairBreaker
Other names: Haunted!Egg
It's an egg. Not much is known about this creature or whether it's a monster or not. What is known is that it's sentient, with it being able to wobble and Tiem clamming that it is able to talk to her even though no sounds can be heard from it. It is always with Tiem and is cared for by her.
It seems to also trust Kris, being the only other person that it would allow to hold it.
- It is 0'4 ft.
- Resides in the Stargazers World.
- It is a student in Class Blossom.
Lizz Kid[]

Created by DespairBreaker
Other names: Haunted!MonsterKid
Lizz Kid is a non-binary feathered lizard. They're chill and casual. Lizz likes to face things head-on and is very optimistic. They enjoy writing and dreams of writing their own book. They're mutual with all the students in Class Blossom but is very distant and don't know many people personally. Mostly because they like being alone. They're looked up to by Kris because of how positive they are.
The one person they like to hang out with most is Teim. Lizz doesn't know much about Teim, but they both enjoy watching dumb movies together and going sightseeing. They also sometimes hang out with Kris. Kris doesn't bring too much to the table, but being around the two seems to make them break out of their shell a little
- They are 4'5 ft.
- Resides in the Fallen World.
- They are a student in Class Blossom.
Quill Wishwell[]

Quill portrait - Created by DespairBreaker
Other names: Haunted!Berdly
Quill is a male albino crow monster. Unlike Deltarune's Berdly, Quill is quite friendly and means no harm. He's pretty intelligent and book smart, so because of this, many of his classmates either ask him or Ruedof for help with classwork. Though he loves to talk a lot, he doesn't do so most of the time due to his ink-like saliva that can get everywhere. He overthinks as well so obvious things tend to go over his head.
His goal is to become an engineer and make his own device that allows him to fly (despite there already being many devices out there that do so). Unfortunately, he's is horrible at technology and outright despises it in the reading department, sticking to normal books.
- He is 4'2 ft.
- He is right-handed and writes with his red quill.
- Resides in the Stargazers World.
- He is a student in Class Blossom.
- He is an assistant at both the public and school library.
lis Soarin[]

Created by DespairBreaker
Other names: Haunted!Catti, Forecast Felis
Felis is a female cat monster. She is calm, confident, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She takes life easy and doesn't care too much about school or work. She doesn't see the need for school since she already got her life planned out. So because of this, she usually ditch school or ignores school work, much to Quill's and Jay's dismay who are her close friends.
Despite her feelings on school education, she is quite knowledgeable about other obscure subjects and keeps up with recent news on world events. She loves to share her theories and predictions about her finds at the beginning of class, being dubbed Forecast Felis by her classmates.
Her goal is to become a reporter or somewhere in the journalist field.
- She is 5'8 ft.
- She is left-handed and writes with glitter pens. She prefers to use her blue ones.
- Resides in the Stargazers World.
- She is a student in Class Blossom in Rosewood Academy.
- She works as a part-timer in Moon Star.
Jay Stoneharth[]

Created by DespairBreaker
Other names: Haunted!Jockington
Jay Stonehearth is a male wyrm monster. He is outgoing and loves to encourage others to better themselves whether that be physically or mentally. It can come off as annoying at times though. He loves imagining and thinking of "what if" situations like "what if there was an apocalypse", or "what if everyone had mind-reading powers". Sometimes he thinks too deep about something and falls into a rabbit hole.
He is the coach assistant at the school, often mistaken as the actual coach or a teacher. He's also the oldest in the class, being held back for a few years in his past.
- He is 4'7 ft at his natural resting height.
- Resides in the Stargazers World.
- He is a student in Class Blossom.
Added Characters[]
"Askers" (Name unknown)[]
Other names: Fish-Bird, Startravelers
It's you! "Askers" are people who send messages to be used within the story of Haunted Hearts as dialogue for this character. They take the form of a large fish, bird, or a fish-bird hybrid and acts as an all-seeing being. Due to all of them being different people, they can be unpredictable. Some may try to help while others may want to wreak havoc. Unlike most ask comics of this genre, they are unable to summon objects, but they are able to project an image through stained glass eyes.[2]
Their goals are unknown.
- First appearance: Chapter 1: Lucid Dreams Page 50
"The Stargazing Scientist" (Name unknown)[]
The Scientist is described by Toriel Dreamirr as a female bird monster who loved stories and fiction. It is unknown if she was alive or not before the Fallen World was erased.
- First appearance: Chapter 1: Lucid Dreams Page 58
Fallen World (H-EFDB87)[]
A world similar to Undertale. After so many resets, it was eventually erased. The Fallen World's first apearance was breif in a flashback on pages 31 to page 36
Surface: The surface near the entrance to the underground is a pine tree forest.
Red Ruins: The Red Ruins is in the underground and home to many plants, being covered in many red botany. This area is also much smaller than Undertale's Ruins, not having its puzzle areas. Due to the area being secluded from the rest of the underground, it is largely uninhabited. The most notable monster to live here is Toriel Dreamirr who has devoted her life to taking care of it and those who have fallen.
Sky Garden: The Sky Garden is a large meadow of buttercup flowers and white grass located in the Red Ruins. The meadow's ceiling has a hole to the outside world and is known to have people fall in.
Stargazers World (H-C82B58)[]
A world similar to Deltarune.

Star/Light Powers - Created by DespairBreaker
- Star Power: Star-shaped light that humans wield. They come in many different colors and give different powers. At the moment it's unknown how it works or why it seems only humans have it (At least the Haunted!Crew). One thing for sure that they all have in common is that they all have an appearance like fire and is quite powerful.
- LOVE/Lv.: A trait gained from violent actions. The way it affects the host is unknown. The amount gained can be seen as numbers (for example Lv.10 / LOVE 10).
Note: any time love is mentioned, "love" and "Love" refers to the affectionate kind. LOVE refers to this definition

Writers band and handle - Created by DespairBreaker
- Writers Band: A gadget used for monsters who can't properly hold a pencil due to not having anatomy to do so. It is usually a leather strap with a clamp that holds the writing utensil. It comes in a variety of colors and designs. Though schools sell them, many go to stores dedicated to them since they last longer. Characters known to use them are Ruedof and Jay.
- Writers Handle: Similar to the writers band, but instead of being a strap, the utensil holder is on a handle which is usually made of hard rubber or wood. This is most commonly used for monsters who can only write with their mouth. Characters known to use them are Lizz Kid.
- Astral Boom: It is the explosion of a World in the galaxy which looks like a firework in the sky. It sends magical energy throughout space as stardust. The color, brightness, and power depend on the world itself.
“we heard a cry for help and followed them into a lucid dream. We then realized that the person who cried was ▊▊▊▊▊▊▊ ▊▊▊"
- Read all in chronological order
- Most Recent Pages
- Master Post
- Read Haunted Hearts on Deviantart
- Read Haunted Hearts on Webtoons
- French translation
- Russian translation
Prologue: Cry for Help
Chapter 1: Lucid Dreams
- Page 19
- Page 20
- Page 21
- Page 22
- Page 23
- Page 24
- Page 25
- Page 26
- Page 27
- Page 28
- Page 29
- Page 30
- Page 31
- Page 32
- Page 33
- Page 34
- Page 35
- Page 36
- Page 37
- Page 38
- Page 39
- Page 40
- Page 41
- Page 42
- Page 43
- Page 44
- Page 45
- Page 46
- Page 47
- Page 48
- Page 49
- Page 50
- Page 51
- Page 52
- Page 53
- Page 54
- Page 55
- Page 56
- Page 57
- Page 58
- Page 59
- Page 60
Refrence Sheets
Fan Art
Berfore submitting fan art, please ask permission if you are not the owner. Credit and link to the original post is needed even if you are the owner. Artworks here that lacks credit and/or link to the original will be removed.
- The author of this AU is also the one who created the Deltarune: Hated By Life Itself MV
- The author uses Clip Studio Paint EX to draw pages. However, they recommend getting the PRO version before deciding to buy EX since it's cheaper and has almost the same function as EX but without the animation feature. [3]
- When the AU was being conceptualized, the names "Mending Hearts" and "Haunted Hearts" were both considered. The name "Haunted Hearts" was finally chosen since the word haunted is associated with ghosts and Frisk and Chara haunting Kris is an important part of the story. They also explained that "Hearts" in the title is purposely plural since the title has a double meaning, Frisk and Chara haunting Kris and also how all three are haunted by their past mistakes.[4]
- The Dark World that is present in Deltarune may or may not exist at all in Haunted Hearts. [5]
- It is known for the comic's blog title to change depending on what is going on in the comic. This is also shown in the deviant art's group motto
- Many posts on the blog contains a secret message or a continuation of the dialogue shown in the URL. For example, in the artwork Memento Mori, it has a dialogue about how Chara and Frisk is not immortal, ending with the last dialogue line in the URL which is "so let's try to live it to the fullest".
- The title "Haunted Hearts" is usually depicted with or part of an infinity symbol. The title as well has the A and D in "Haunted" have flowers in the middle of them, representing Frisk and Chara. The A in "Heart" having a red soul that represents Kris. This is all also reminiscent of the UNDERTALE title having a heart in the R. The diamond between "Haunted Hearts" represents the star/light power humans have. In the DeviantArt version of the comic, the colors of the title at the end of each page is known to change colors or even signify that the page takes place in a Dream.
- Frisk's poncho originally did not have a collar, but it was then added on later on.[6]
- Although Frisk is non-binary and is androgynous, Frisk is purposefully drawn more on the masculine side and the author headcanons their voice to be more softer and slightly more feminine than Chara.[7]
Chara Dreamirr[]
- Chara originally had a soul necklace that was removed from their design. Unfortunately, the soul itself is hard to see, but it is red.[8]
- Chara used to have a green trim on their scarf, but it was then changed to being their skin tone color.[9]
- Chara is the author's favorite character to draw.[10]
- Although Chara is non-binary and is androgynous, Chara is purposefully drawn more on the feminine side and the author headcanons their voice to be more harsher and slightly more masculine than Frisk.[11]
Kris Drimar[]
- Kris originally had a soul necklace that was removed from their design. The soul is dark red with the lower part of it being slightly more darker.[12]
- They originally had short hair instead of long hair. The styling of it is quite different, only having the antenna-like hair strands in common. Their two hair strands that look like antennas is sposed to make them resemble a bee.[13]
Al Fishsticks[]
- Her design is based off a unicorn
Ruedof Santalales[]
- Ruedof's name is a reference to Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer who is the leader that pulls Santa's sleigh, using his glowing red nose to light the way.
- The "Rue" in his name has several meanings, sorrow, regret, as well as being a herbal plant.
- Santalales is an order of plants that contains the family viscaceae which is also known as mistletoes.
Suzan Pearl[]
- Suzan's ponytail is a nod to Susie's concept art, who used to have a ponytail.
- His name being spelled with a Z is a reference to Clam Girl in Undertale, mentioning "Suzy" to the player in waterfall.
- The pink of his skin is described as Mountbatten Pink which is a naval camouflage color.[14]
Tiem Pop[]
- Her usual outfit is a reference to Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4
- Egg's gold color scheme (the portrait is still currently blue, but will be updated) is inspired by the folk tale of the goose who lays golden eggs.
Lizz Kid[]
- Their design is based off frilled lizards and raptors.
- Lizz has the best handwriting in their class despite having no arms and only being able to write with a writers handle.
Quill Wishwell[]
- Quill being a crow is a nod to how crows are one of the most intelligent birds/animals.
- Originally he was a black crow with blue highlights but was changed to him being albino[15]
- His last name "Wishwell" is a play on words, being wishing well and inkwell.
Felis Soarin[]
- Felis is named after the genus felis which are small to medium-sized cats.
- ↑ First shown on Page 36
- ↑ Stained glass eyes are first shown in Chapter 1: Lucid Dreams: Page 54
- ↑ Mentioned in the "What do you use to draw" section of the FAQ
- ↑ Mentioned in Ask #3 on tumblr
- ↑ Stated in Ask #1 on tumblr
- ↑ shown in Frisk's original reference sheet and was changed on their next reference sheet
- ↑ Mentioned in the description of "Train Station To The Next World" Speedpaint
- ↑ shown in the first artwork of Haunted Hearts.
- ↑ shown in Chara's original reference sheet and was changed on their next reference sheet
- ↑ mentioned in Chara's sketch dump
- ↑ Mentioned in the description of "Train Station To The Next World" Speedpaint
- ↑ shown in the first artwork of Haunted Hearts.
- ↑ shown in the first artwork of Haunted Hearts.
- ↑ Stated in the reference sheet
- ↑ Shown in Character Concept Art Batch