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Undertale AU Wiki


Delta Experiment is an Undertale/Deltarune AU by Gonerboy and Star, originally published on April 1st, 2019, and later rebooted on August 11th, 2020. In this survey-driven tale, Frisk is the adopted Human child of the Dreemurrs in Deltarune's town. However, their life changes for the weirder as Gaster came to town as the School’s new principal. What follows is a series of events that would eventually throw the peaceful Hometown into chaos.

Every once in a while, the audience is asked to participate in a survey. Their answers will influence the course of the story.

The story is a slow burn that will be divided into chapters that each contain an arc. Right now, the story is in its third chapter. It is unknown how long the final story will be, but right now there are around 12 chapters currently planned.


Undertale and Deltarune Characters[]


The main protagonist of the story, and the adopted Human Child of the Dreemurrs. Their fate will eventually be determined by the command of the audience.

At some point before the story, Dr. Gaster implanted a device on Frisk's SOUL that allows the readers to control certain actions.

Dr. W.D. Gaster[]

A mysterious scientist and the School's new principal. He is responsible for the audience's control over Frisk due to a device he planted inside of them.

Gaster is cold, calculating, and factual. He seems to care about results and little else.


Mother of Asriel and Frisk, and teacher of their class at school. She got the job after her recent divorce in order to support them both.


Brother of Frisk, and Son of Toriel and Asgore. He tends to get anxious a lot, but is also easily excitable, and tries to be a responsible brother to Frisk despite his nerves.

Tom Jerry[]

Main article: Tom

Janitor of the School, and one of Gaster’s followers. A version of the scared Donut guy from Undertale / Gaster Follower #2. He tends to like rhyming words together, though they don't always flow as well as he'd like. He seems to get scared easily, and doesn't have much confidence.

Monster Kid[]

Childhood friend of Frisk and Asriel. Full name is M. Kidd, though we don't know what the "M" stands for yet. He tends to get in trouble a lot, and idolizes Undyne.

Sheldon Reedings[]

Based off of the library bird / Gaster Follower # 3. A school administrator who introduced Dr. Gaster in both the original and the reboot. He is Berdly's uncle, and one of Gaster’s followers. He is easily angered, and especially hates children. He is arrogant and self-centered, and frequently sucks up to Gaster.


The (now-retired) principal of Hometown's school. He is currently on vacation.

Monster Kid's Sister[]

An unnamed character who is noticeably absent in the reboot.

Berdly Reedings[]

Classmate of Frisk and Asriel. He tends to think he’s more smart than he is, attempting to impress others with his knowledge of common facts (ie. the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell). He is staying with his uncle, Sheldon.

Jockington III Esquire[]

Classmate of Frisk and Asriel.

Noelle Holiday[]

Childhood friend, and fellow classmate, of Frisk and Asriel. She visits them every Christmas. She is easily scared. As of chapter 2, she has yet to utter a single word.

Snowflake Drake[]

Classmate of Frisk and Asriel in the Reboot. Goes by the name "Snowdrake". He tries to tell jokes, but doesn’t quite understand how they work, much to the annoyance of his father.

Catti Caboodle[]

Classmate of Frisk and Asriel in the Reboot. She has a Mew Mew Kissy Cutie doll that she carries everywhere she goes. She is constantly grumpy.

Rudy Holiday[]

Asgore's Friend, and Noelle's Father. He sometimes helps out with the postal service, which is a reference to Rudolph helping Santa to deliver gifts.

Asgore Dreemurr[]

Father of Frisk and Asriel, and Toriel's Ex-Husband. Recently moved into the flower shop after their divorce. In chapter 2, he brings food to the mysterious human hiding in the town, believing them to be a lost monster child.


The newest recruit on the police force. She is energetic, and has the spirit of a hero, but tends to cause lots of collateral damage. This gets her in trouble with her superior, Chief Muttler.


The teens' new teacher. She's intimidated by her class, and has difficulty getting them to behave.

Ginger Breddman[]

This AU's version of the Ficus Licker NPC / Gaster Follower #1. She is the school's nurse and is shown to be flighty, romantic and air-headed. However, she also helps the followers to break out of prison in Chapter 2, implying she has a clever side.

Dess Holiday[]

Noelle's older sister and part of Alphys' class. She and Shyra locked Alphys out of her classroom as a prank. She is shown to pick on and take advantage of others, especially Burgerpants.


A mysterious child that spent some time roaming around the town in hiding; at the end of Chapter 2, Toriel adopts them. Their true name remains a mystery at the moment. They are shown to be rather manipulative and seem to enjoy messing with Asriel and the other children.

Chief Muttler[]

This bulldog is the head of police in Hometown, leading the pack of police dogs. He is stern, and can be harsh, but is shown to be caring of Undyne and the rest of the pack.


He has slated to appear in chapter 3, as Gaster is implied to be a relative of his.


Younger brother of Sans, and an implied relative of Gaster.


Deltarune Locations[]


Hometown is precisely as depicted in the game Deltarune, with an addition of new locations further down the narrative.


Just as depicted in Deltarune, with Gaster replacing Gerson as its new principal. Has a school auditorium and cafeteria, which are not shown in-game.

Ice-E's Pezza[]

Burgerpants and the blue bunny work there. We see that there are some animatronic costumes used for filming commercials. They consist of Ice-E the ice cube, his friends Frost-E the penguin and Slush-E the polar bear, and the Evil Band-E-to, who attempts to steal Ice-E's secret recip-E book. The Frost-E animatronic was possessed by the Mad Ghost, resulting in the creation of Mad Frost-E.

Added Locations[]

Meat Factory[]

A location teased in the blog, may or may not have a role in the story.

Car Wash[]

A location mentioned when the kids are discussing where to search for a zombie.

Sports Field[]

See above.


In chapter 2-6, one of the followers mentions a "city to the east" where "lots of humans live".


  • The ages of characters align with their Undertale interpretations. This means that certain characters that appear in Deltarune are younger than they appear in-game. This most notably includes the classmates, who all have new designs to reflect their younger ages (with striped shirts for good measure).
  • Sheldon was known as "Mr. Harrington" in the original.
  • In the original, "Chris" emerges from a grave, while in the reboot, it is a pile of leaves. This makes it less likely that Chris is literally undead.
  • In the original, Sans appears in the graveyard. However, he is not featured in Chapter 2 of the reboot, instead being moved to Chapter 3.




  • The original comic was based off a roleplay played by Goner and his friends, but was rebooted to an original story due to a fallout within the group.
  • On the 16th episode of The Determined Podcast GonerBoy has listed several plans he have in mind for the reboot. The most notable is how he planned to take the story in a direction similar to that of Mother 3: where an outsider brought prosperity to the town, yet socially degrade its inhabitants over time. Whether he’ll follow through with it remains to be seen.
  • In the same episode, it was stated that certain events would happen "when the kids are teenagers", which implies a time skip may happen at some point.